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Marcové číslo: Vol. 1 No. 1, pgs. 1-28, 2013

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Práve sme na Slovensku zaznamenali narodenie sa nového periodika nazvaného The Skeptik, zameraného na široké spektrum sociálnych, vedeckých, filozofických a akademických otázok. The Skeptik poskytne priestor na publikovanie názorov kreatívnej alebo kritickej povahy na každodenné alebo zriedkavé problémy, s ktorými sa stretávame v rodinnom alebo profesionálnom živote. Ako príklad môže poslúžiť energia a životné prostredie, klimatická zmena, základné otázky zdravia, akou je epidemiológia chronických degeneratívnych chorôb a výživa a pod. Podľa Wikipedie skepticizmus znamená pýtavý postoj k poznatkom, k faktom alebo názorom/vieram považovaným za fakty, alebo pochybnosti o požiadavkách, ktorá sa inde považujú za oprávnené. Nechcem vypočítavať bohatstvo príkladov, ktoré si zaslúžia kladenie otázok. Vzhľadom na moje farmakologické profesionálne pozadie spomeniem iba široké spektrum pochybných diagnostických a terapeutických metód, terapeutické prístupy založené na nepreverených predpokladoch až po podvádzaní s rôznymi produktmi motivovanom túžbou po zisku. Náš časopis oslovuje súčasného čitateľa a neodvraciame sa od žiadnej rasy, veku, vzdelanostnej úrovne, náboženského vyznania alebo politickej orientácie. Pridávame sa k veľkej medzinárodnej rodine časopisov venujúcich sa filozofickému skepticizmu. Súčasne chcem zdôrazniť, že sa vedľa globálnych problémov zacielime na našu miestnu a európsku rovinu. Prednostne chceme publikovať excelentné články a diskusné poznámky o ľubovoľnom vedeckom odvetví, ktoré si zasluhuje skeptický prístup. Predpokladáme, že náš typický čitateľ bude tzv. informovaný laik: akademici a aj výskumníci navyše k všeobecnej verejnosti. Obraciame sa na možných autorov, ktorí by mohli prispieť do nášho časopisu. Prosím píšte jasne a jednoducho, aby ste oslovili znalú čitateľskú obec.

Professor MUDr. Tomáš Trnovec, DrSc., Predchádzajúci hlavný editor The Skeptik-a.

Pamäť vody

The Skeptik 2013;1:1-3

Novella S

Abstract: Homeopatia je nezmyslom, poverou a hrubo zavádzajúcim prostriedkom. Je tiež vedecky negramotná. A predsa existuje ako veľmi nadbytočná bytosť – moderný homeopat. Zatiaľ, čo prax je nerozlíšiteľná od rituálov a čarov (ospravedlňujem sa čarodejníčkam a čarodejníkom), moderný homeopat by sa rád zahalil do úctyhodnosti vedy. Autor článku zdokumentoval, že homeopatické prostriedky založené na pamäti vody môžu dokonca zhoršiť zdravie pacienta a viesť k infarktu myokardu alebo k mozgovej porážke.

The Skeptik (Article in Slovak) Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

NUTRIGENETIC: new scientific field, bussiness, or fraud?

The Skeptik 2013;1:4-6

Ginter E

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population -scaled epidemiological studies in the absence of genetic knowledge may result in erroneous scientific conclusions and misinformed nutritional
recommendation. There is a danger of misuse nutrigenetics for „scientific“ fraud.

The Skeptik (Article in Slovak), Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

Obesity in Europe: Czech primacy and paradoxes

The Skeptik 2013;1:7-12

Ginter E

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: Obesity is known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Czech republic (CZ) is in Europe on the head of obesity prevalence. In CZ there is also highest prevalence of diabetes type 2. Both obesity and diabetes are important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Surprisingly, after 1989 in CZ there is evident decrease of premature mortality caused by CVD and evident increase in life expectancy. The explanation of this paradox are the politico-economical changes after 1989: increase in the consumption of healthy food (e.g. fruit, vegetables, nuts, olive oil etc.) and better diagnosis and therapy of CVD (especially the use of statins). The result is permanent increase of life expectancy at birth both in males and females living in CZ.

The Skeptik (Article in slovak) Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

Is there a possibility to protect society against „radiation“ of revolution?

The Skeptik 2013;1:13-15

Kebis A, Kukan M

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: Here we are commenting the relathionship between the development of our Universe and of society. Acumulated energy and matter prior zero-time of our Universe led to the Big-Bang (revolution), which left behind cosmic radiation. Since human life is highly dependent on physical parameters, then similar pattern can be found in the development of society. Indeed, history showed that concentration of matter by one narrow group of society led to revolutions. Old regimes were backed up by new regimes. Revolutionary explosions brought about not only progress, but also tragedies into diverse groups of society. Many tragedies in material levels left old regimes. New regimes did not free theirself of heritage of the past and performed new wrongfulnesses. This phenomenon may also be called “radiation“ factor of revolution. Consequences of both bloody and bloodless revolutions were similar on society. We firmly believe that negative impacts of revolution on society may be minimized by the following measures: First, truth should be available to each member of society. In the past, evidence about truth (e.g., Galileo Galilei, Giordano Bruno-burned at the stake by civil authorities in 16-teen century after the Roman Inquisition etc.) as well as beliefs in anything abstractive (various forms of religions) were suppressing. Although a source of truth is scientific evidence, a measure of humanism in society lies in the tolerance. Thus, truth cannot be either a tool for concentration of the power or a tool for the generation of any violence and oppression. Further, truth cannot have either a possessor or a modifier. Truth can have only an originator and is not of absolute nature. Second, human being should change its relathionship to the use of matter. Matter cannot be the aim, but it has to be a tool for increasing spiritual quality of human. The use of matter should be based on humanism, truth and on scientific knowledge. Concluding, it appears if society would transform using the above mentioned measures, then negative consequences of revolutionary “radiation“ on it may be markedly minimized.

The Skeptik (Article in Slovak), Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

Critical view on belief in mental telepathy

The Skeptik 2013;1:16-23

Čavojová V

Institute of Experimental Psychology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract: The article presents study of Ayeroff and Abelson examining people´s belief in extrasensory perception vs. their actual extrasensory communications. They designed experiment with conditions of experience of good vibes with another person and high engagement to test their prediction that both high engagement and good communication will lead to accentuated belief in one´s telepathic abilities. They confirmed their assumptions and their experiment did not yield any evidence of telepathy. Despite quite random performance, however, participants in both experimental conditions showed overconfidence in success in their telepathic communication, though their actual performance was just about the random level.
The Skepik (Review Article in Slovak), Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

West, Demokracy and Russia

The Skeptik 2013;1:24-28

Germuška E

University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Political Sciences

Abstract: The author of this contribution deals with the historical concept of Russia's geopolitical thinking that are essential for today's Russia's role in the world political scene. These concepts reflect not only the definition of Russia in relation to other "power centers", or civilizations but also reflect the attitudes of the Russian nation in the domestic and national level, which is awared of its pluses and minuses, affecting the position of Russia in the world. The author´s contribution has addressed the main directions of Russia's geopolitical thinking that represent the westerners, eurasianists and slaviafils. This paper reports reflecting historical geopolitical position of Russia towards the West, taking or not taking his Western values and democracy as the current challenges of (globalization modeled) time.

The Skeptik (Article in Slovak), Slovak Society of Skeptics.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov