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Scripts of the image of the "Soviet man" in the civil identity of the modern Russian

The Skeptik, 2017, Vol. 3, pgs. (15-20)

Ctepan G. Chukhin, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Omsk, Russia

Abstract: The article analyzes the importance of scripts of the image of the "Soviet man" in the process of socialization of a modern Russian citizen. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the general and particular in the sociocultural conditioning of the civil identity of Soviet people and modern Russian citizens. The author does not seek to formulate certain recommendations, the purpose of the article is purely analytical.
Key words: script, image of "Soviet man", civil identity.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Movements of planets in the night sky

The Skeptik, 2017, Vol. 3. No. 1. Pg. 14.

Kukan Marek, webmaster

Abstract: Computer simulated movements of Solar System planets in the night sky in August, 2017.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Pohyb planét na nočnej oblohe

The Skeptik, 2017, Vol. 3. No. 1. Pg. 14.

Kukan Marek, webmaster

Abstrakt: Počítačová simulácia pohybu planét Slnečnej sústavy na nočnej oblohe v auguste 2017.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

A proposal for characterization of research scientists in scientific databases

The Skeptik 2014;2:49-50

Kukan M., Ginter E.

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

In the June issue of The Skeptik 2013 (1) we throwed doubt on h-index, (2) that it is inappropriate for estimation of research scientist ouput, at least for scientists whose h-indexes ranges between 12 - 31. The main problems of h-index is that Dr. Hirsch did not take into account that citations have to be devided by a number of authors on publications. Also, publications were not divided by a number of authors on individual papers (2).

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

A proposal for characterization of research scientists in scientific databases

The Skeptik 2014;2:49-50

Kukan M., Ginter E.

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

In the June issue of The Skeptik 2013 (1) we throwed doubt on h-index, (2) that it is inappropriate for estimation of research scientist ouput, at least for scientists whose h-indexes ranges between 12 - 31. The main problems of h-index is that Dr. Hirsch did not take into account that citations have to be devided by a number of authors on publications. Also, publications were not divided by a number of authors on individual papers (2).

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Crop Circles. The question resolved newly. Puzzled out.

The Skeptik 2013;2:77-83.

Ledecký J

Lysá nad Labem, Czech Republic

Interesting scientific, nature research and investigation news about cereals (Poaceae, abiotic stress factors), also (but only as by-product) crop circles.

Crop Circles are probably the greatest joke, that Mother Natue on the whole mankind made ever.

Crop circles have always been, solely and only, creations of Mother Nature. Exceptions are very rare, not more than 1%, but that is just a work of really very stupid people. They're trying to prove, primarily to themselves, that every regular patterns in cereals - crop circles, are made by people, and there is not involved, for example, some activity of aliens - extraterrestrials.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Kruhy v obilí. Nová možnost řešení.

The Skeptik 2013;2:77-83.

Ledecký J

Lysá nad Labem, Czech Republic

Novinky ze zajímavého přírodního vědeckého výzkumu a bádání o obilovinách (Poaceae), také (ale jen jako vedlejší produkt) kruhy v obilí.

Kruhy v obilí jsou pravděpodobně největší žert, který si Matka Příroda z užaslého a ohromeného lidstva kdy dělala.

Kruhy v obilí byly odjakživa, jedině a pouze, výtvorem Matky Přírody. Výjimky tvoří nejvýš 1%, jedná se ale jen o práci velmi hloupých lidí. Pokoušejí se tak dokázat, především sami sobě, že lidé tvoří všechny pravidelné obrazce v obilí, a nejedná se například o činnost mimozemšťanů.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

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