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A proposal for characterization of research scientists in scientific databases

The Skeptik 2014;2:49-50

Kukan M., Ginter E.

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

In the June issue of The Skeptik 2013 (1) we throwed doubt on h-index, (2) that it is inappropriate for estimation of research scientist ouput, at least for scientists whose h-indexes ranges between 12 - 31. The main problems of h-index is that Dr. Hirsch did not take into account that citations have to be devided by a number of authors on publications. Also, publications were not divided by a number of authors on individual papers (2).

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

A proposal for characterization of research scientists in scientific databases

The Skeptik 2014;2:49-50

Kukan M., Ginter E.

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

In the June issue of The Skeptik 2013 (1) we throwed doubt on h-index, (2) that it is inappropriate for estimation of research scientist ouput, at least for scientists whose h-indexes ranges between 12 - 31. The main problems of h-index is that Dr. Hirsch did not take into account that citations have to be devided by a number of authors on publications. Also, publications were not divided by a number of authors on individual papers (2).

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Súčasný pohľad na kardiovaskulárne ochorenia a statíny: je na mieste skepsa?

The Skeptik 2014;2:1-7

Ginter E., Kukan M.

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Extrémny nárast kardiovaskulárnych ochorení (CVD) v XX. storočí viedol k hľadaniu farmák, znižujúcich cholesterol a riziko CVD. Významný bol objav statínov, ktoré v pečeni kompetitívne inhibovali HMG-CoA reduktázu, kľúčový enzým syntézy cholesterolu. Veľký počet štúdií dokázal, že statíny súčasne signifikantne znižovali ruziko CVD. Vyskytli sa skeptické hlasy, ktoré poukazovali na vedľajšie negatívne účinky statínov (myopátie a dokonca diabetes). Najnovšie syntetizované statíny už majú minimum vedľajších účinkov. Malé riziko vedľajších účinkov však prekrýva prudký pokles CVD vyvolaný statínmi. Chybné je predpisovanie statínov pacientom s mierne zvýšeným cholesterolom s cieľom primárnej prevencie CVD, pri ktorých je riziko CVD nízke.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

Present outlook on cardiovascular diseases and statins: is scepticism in loco?

The Skeptik 2014;2:1-7

Ginter E., Kukan M.

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

An extreme rise of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the twenty century led to the search of new drugs, lowering blood cholesterol levels and a risk of CVD. Discovery of statins was important, because they inhibite competitively HMG-CoA reductase, a key enzyme of cholesterol synthesis. A large number of studies proved that statins deacreased a risk of CVD. Sceptic voices pointed out on side effects of statins (myopathitis and even diabetes). The newest synthetised statins have only minimal side effects. A low risk of side effects of the newest statins, however overlaps a great deacrese of CVD caused by old statins. It is a big mistake to prescribe the newest statins to patients having mildly elevated cholesterol levels for prevention of CVD.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Crop Circles. The question resolved newly. Puzzled out.

The Skeptik 2013;2:77-83.

Ledecký J

Lysá nad Labem, Czech Republic

Interesting scientific, nature research and investigation news about cereals (Poaceae, abiotic stress factors), also (but only as by-product) crop circles.

Crop Circles are probably the greatest joke, that Mother Natue on the whole mankind made ever.

Crop circles have always been, solely and only, creations of Mother Nature. Exceptions are very rare, not more than 1%, but that is just a work of really very stupid people. They're trying to prove, primarily to themselves, that every regular patterns in cereals - crop circles, are made by people, and there is not involved, for example, some activity of aliens - extraterrestrials.

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

Kruhy v obilí. Nová možnost řešení.

The Skeptik 2013;2:77-83.

Ledecký J

Lysá nad Labem, Czech Republic

Novinky ze zajímavého přírodního vědeckého výzkumu a bádání o obilovinách (Poaceae), také (ale jen jako vedlejší produkt) kruhy v obilí.

Kruhy v obilí jsou pravděpodobně největší žert, který si Matka Příroda z užaslého a ohromeného lidstva kdy dělala.

Kruhy v obilí byly odjakživa, jedině a pouze, výtvorem Matky Přírody. Výjimky tvoří nejvýš 1%, jedná se ale jen o práci velmi hloupých lidí. Pokoušejí se tak dokázat, především sami sobě, že lidé tvoří všechny pravidelné obrazce v obilí, a nejedná se například o činnost mimozemšťanů.

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

New guidelines for modification of liver transplantation process

The Skeptik 2013;2:84-86.

Kukan M

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

At present, hepatic grafts can be preserved in UW solution by the static preservation for less than 12 hours for good outcome of liver transplantation surgery (1). On the basis of research results from isolated animal perfused livers, we suggest that both a safe preservation of hepatic grafts is possible (for up to18 hours) and that conterporary used liver transplantation process have to be modify according to the following guidliness:

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

New guidelines for modification of liver transplantation process

The Skeptik 2013;2:84-86.

Kukan M

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

At present, hepatic grafts can be preserved in UW solution by the static preservation for less than 12 hours for good outcome of liver transplantation surgery (1). On the basis of research results from isolated animal perfused livers, we suggest that both a safe preservation of hepatic grafts is possible (for up to18 hours) and that conterporary used liver transplantation process have to be modify according to the following guidliness:

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

h-index, a missleading value for evaluation of scientist research output

The Skeptik 2013;2:87-88

Kukan M, Ginter E

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Eight years ago, Dr. Hirsch elaborated systems of mathematical equations for elucidation of individual´s scientific research output (1). This so called h-index was widely accepted in scientific databases. Actually, it appears to be appropriate number to assess research scientist´s impact in the science. However, here we give examples of three slovakian research scientists, working in the same town, under both the area of socialism and capitalism that the use of h-index is not a valid number. (From ethical point of view we cannot give his/her names).

published by Slovak Society of Skeptics

h-index, a missleading value for evaluation of scientist research output

The Skeptik 2013;2:87-88

Kukan M, Ginter E

Slovak Medical University, emeritus, Bratislava, Slovakia

Eight years ago, Dr. Hirsch elaborated systems of mathematical equations for elucidation of individual´s scientific research output (1). This so called h-index was widely accepted in scientific databases. Actually, it appears to be appropriate number to assess research scientist´s impact in the science. However, here we give examples of three slovakian research scientists, working in the same town, under both the area of socialism and capitalism that the use of h-index is not a valid number. (From ethical point of view we cannot give his/her names).

publikované Slovenskou spoločnosťou skeptikov

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